Another eventful few days in London. Sunday saw us visiting our intelligent professor friends in Canterbury: a party fuelled by conversation I struggled to keep up with amidst delightful and accommodating company. Monday we visited our old home in Kent and caught up with lovely friends for a roast dinner (we do miss such suppers!).

Back in the day we were fortunate enough to work with a marvellous man called Mark Edgerley who has single handedly created something amazing. Some six years ago, after many years working in the wilds, he determined to create a place where he could care for endangered big cats resuced from bad places and circuses around the world with a view to helping them recover and encouraging them to breed and retain the species. When last we saw him he had some 18 big cats, he now has 30 healthy beasts and wonderfully this includes the first cubs: two Siberian tigers and two pumas. He is a great man and worthy of more credit than he could ever receive (
Wildlife Heritage Foundation).

We have also seen a host of interesting people: Mervyn King, Cleo Roccos, Chris Eubank, Paddy Ashdown and yesterday I managed to walk on set while Keeley Hawes was filming something or other. I also saw the new Ferarri shop launch on Regent Street, given the economy, interesting timing...
More dinners and drinks and socialising has filled the remains of this week. We have

been staying in London with our good friend Julie, she is publishing editor of the only woman's fashion magazine worth its salt, buy
Look, even I enjoy it and my wife has a new style guru! Today was my City day and I caught up with friends who are still very much embroiled in all things financial. They looked remarakbly well and willingly imbibed in long coffees and lazy lunching despite the crises that seeped out of the historic walls around us. Top chaps one and all, even if they suggested visiting the ever-brilliant
l'entrecote for steak frites, like I don't get to eat French food in St Jean de Luz guys (DW, joke)!! The day came to an end with a contradiction, an enjoyable trip to the dentist. If ever you are in the City and have need to see a man who can,
Oliver Harman is he - dentist to the famous and needy alike.
The photos attached I took this week. Given the wine I have enjoyed I can't remember if they are of the big cats or the fat cats!
Basque of day:- magazine :: aldizkari