ober holidays are over which means l
ess people around town. St Jean de Luz is very popular with Parisians many of whom have a second home here. However, it also means schools are back and the cafes are full of students taking coffee, smoking, chatting, preening and carrying their moped helmets from table to table. Mid-afternoon the sound of opera being sung floats upwards to the apartment. There is a man who walks, or cycles, around St Jean de Luz singing various popular arias. He seems to dwell where the acoustics are best, quite often beneath our front balcony, and appears to do this for no other reason than he enjoys it, we do too!
Went for a stroll along the beach and up to the headland just before dusk (at the moment it gets dark at 1830). It is wonderful to see so many people out walking before supper. The swell was impressive and the surfers were taking full advantage. Ju
st as the sun started to dip out of sight the sky took on a reddish hue so hopefully the wea
ther will start to pick up again. After such an unseasonably warm weekend swimming in the sea and eating outdoors the temperature has sunk dramatically. Snow is forecast tonight on higher ground. Stopped off for a hot chocolate and then on to the local cinema Le Rex where we commited ourselves to buying loyalty cards, so lots of movies in French starting with Quantum of Solace tomorrow evening, can't wait to see how Judy Dench and John Cleese sound in French! Before heading home we popped in at our new favourite place, Boulangerie Labechiloa on Rue Loquin, to pick up a baguette for supper, lovely and warm.