After last night, today was a struggle. Try as we might it was impossible to catch up on sleep. Various bands marched up and down, round and about, high and low through the streets of St Jean de Luz. Everyone was in splendid form. The locals particularly enjoy the timing of the
fêtes de la St Jean as it is the last event before the tourists arrive en masse for the summer. It has served as a wonderful reminder of how friendly people are down here and how willing they are to dance or sing at the merest opportunity.
We are beginning to feel accepted and though we are cognisent that we have a long way to go before we are truly

embraced we love a challenge.
Tomorrow sees a children's day with a group picnic in the park, traditional games and junior choirs performing. In the evening a very civilised concert de aperitif is taking place and I am hoping to have recovered in time.
Basque of the day:- hangover :: biharamun