After a ten day round-about trip I am finally home in
St Jean de Luz. After two months in
Mongolia it is a pleasant shock to the system. Little has changed, the Basque country remains in my mind the most beautiful place on the planet. The boulangerie still smells divine, the sun stills shines brightly, the people still smile enthusiastically and we even managed to miss the invading Parisian hordes during July and August. A better tim

ed trip I have never had.
Thinking about what we have experienced in
Mongolia I can see several similarities with
Basque culture. Both are matriarchal societies, which means things actually get done, and in relative peace. Both cultures resonate with music, song and dance. A slower more social pace of life is preferred. There have

been inumerable battles over the ages yet both cultures remain strong and intact adopting practices dating to before Christ. Even the languages, both of which are alien to European ears, seem to have similarities in syntax, pronunciation and meaning.
Mongolia has the edge in terms of wildlife but the
Basque country wins on matters culinary. Off to enjoy my first croissant since June...
Basque of the day:- home :: etxe