The Good
- Mongolian music is wonderful, unique and omnipresent. It plays as important a role on Mongolian society as it does in Basque culture.
- Mongolian culture and history is unrivalled; its geographic position has largely sheltered its heritage from untoward outside advances and it remains as it has been for centuries.
- The Steppe is both wonderful and fearsome; it is one of the largest and most hostile places I have been able to enjoy and riding across it guarantees peace of mind.
- The Mongolian people have an amazing sense of self belief; there is little doubt their future is bright given this and the serene anger that lurks under the commercial skin thanks to Chinggis.
- I have made some incredible friends in Mongolia; it is a happy place and I hope that as it changes so much over the next few years that it remains so (go now if you want to experience it as it has been)
- The harsh environment and weather are strking and waring to the outsider.
- As the country undergoes dramatic change so quickly there is a sense of potential double standards and corruption; Louis Vuitton is established while orphans struggle to survive.
- There is trepidation about outsiders, a little is healthy too much is dangerous; there is a scary right wing movement being established that needs to be quashed soon.
- As the country expands economically it needs to make provision for pollution and recycling.
- Mongolia needs to get over its perceived dislike of China; the economic upside for Mongolia is immense given its natural resources
- Mongolia has, in my view, the prettiest ladies in the world (even my wife agrees).
- The Mongolian word for beaver is minge; the Mongolian for lion is aslan.
- Airag is possibly the most unusual and horrid tasting drink on the planet.
- Mongolian horses are the hardest animals I have ever met; they could even beat badgers in a fight if it came to it.
- Mongolia has some of the most amusing and wonderful signs for what it was that made Chinggis Khaan so angry; I shall continue my search next year...
Mongolian of the day:- goodbye :: bayartai