Two swans have settled in the port, basking in the spring sunshine. There is something uplifting when the green man brings life back after winter. Not that winter down here is particularly troublesome but fresh shoots and happy wildlife always encourages a smile.
One of our friends had the audicity to suggest I currently look like a large tomato crossed with a red spotlight. Perhaps I enjoyed too much sun yesterday but I shall not hide [thank you P - you know who you are].
A while back I disclosed that I love dogs, hate pooh. Following Germany, Madrid has launched an initiative that will fine owners of dogs who foul the pavements EUR1,500. Interestingly they clearly state that such fouling can be canine or human - there is supposedly a significant 'old-man-taking-a-pee-in-the-bush' problem in the Spanish capital. I think it is a sterling idea. If cats can be litter-trained and babies potty-trained, why can't dogs pooh in designated areas and old men hold onto their bladders a little better?
Basque of the day:- toilet :: komun