My darling son has entrusted his parents to house-sit while he and Maria head back to Britain for the weekend. We plan to enjoy ourselves. The day started with us joining our hosts at their weekly Flamenco class - far too energetic for the older generation but a worthy spectacle all the same. One mystery was solved however, that of the Bobby question. It relates to Bobby Ewing of Dallas fame, someone I know and love dearly will have a lot to live down...
What can I say, the Red Army Choir and South Glamorgan Male Voice Choir will have to look to their laurels having spent an evening in the Church of St Jean de Baptiste enveloped in the wonderful sounds of the Basque Male Voice Choir - it was an amazing concert regardless of the fact that not one word was understood by our good selves! This was a gratis concert, which clearly appealed to our Scots blood, and seemingly encouraged half the region to attend. We arrived 20 minutes before it was due to start to find standing room only. The singers cut a dash dressed in traditional Basque colours set against the wonderful backdrop of the church itself. An evening to remember.
We unplugged everything potentially dangerous and headed off on a trip
We left Zaragoza to drive to Olite, the wine centre of Navarre to stay in a C15th castle that was renovated last century into a Parador. Our baronial sized bechamber offered amazing views across the vineyards. Parador's are splendid, especially if you are over 55 when you are elgible for a 30% discount.
Having successfully remembered the daylight saving time change and partaken in a sumptuous breakfast we found ourselves beating the masses to the castle adjoining the Parador. The restoration has been sympathetic and after struggling up the spiral staircases the views afforded to us were quite spectacular, if a little blustery - the tower is appropriately named 'The Tower of the Four Winds'. The scenery as we drove back to St Jean de Luz through the Pyrenees was spectacular and we even put the roof down on the car, it felt wonderful. Furthermore, the sun has shone non stip since we arrived!
Thankfully the apartment and cat were still standing upon our return. Today we took it a little slower and sat out on the terrace reading for most of the day. The kids get back early tomorrow so we wanted to enjoy some peace and quiet together.
We got up early to collect the youngerlings from the airport, my son was his usual cheery self after an early start without breakfast. We got them home, fed and watered them before sending them to gather some rest. After all these years he is still grumpy when he is hungry and tired, but I am confident my daughter-in-law has learned exactly how to deal with his tantrums. We love him dearly even if at times I don't always like him! End of mother's report.