In St Jean de Luz the firemen/pompier

s have it tough. Not content with making them run along the beach and go for a swim each day, today the boss forced them all to spend the morning surfing. They do say surfing is a must-have skill for firefighting. Only jealous.
This afternoon it rained so I finally ran out of excuses to work and spent the day in my study. I watched as various storms slid down La Rhune and washed away the tourists around town. There was a brief break in the weather so I sat outside for a co

ffee. As I imbibed the sound of very funky music ebbed and flowed. Being naturally curious, and looking for an excuse to avoid working, I ventured out to seek the music makers. Fifty yards down Rue Gambetta a group of very able musicians entertained passing tourists with a fab display of jazzy-brassy-latino music, the type you hear at rugby matches where notes are slid into and held in reverb. Lovely stuff.
It was of course impossible to get any work done, what with the sound of music and crashing of waves I could hardly hear myself think.
Basque of the day:- musician :: musikari