Thursday 19 March 2009

revolting people

Today the French have been revolting. In over 200 towns hundreds of thousands of people took a stand against Sarkozy's proposed economic policies. Public and many private sector workers took to the streets demanding change. Key amongst their gripes are:
  • Demands for an increase to the minimum wage
  • A reversal on the 50% cap on income tax
  • Suspension of public sector job cuts
  • Measures to protect employment
I will allow your own thoughts on the above but ask they be considered alongside the sliding economic situation.
Not to be outdone the more militant residents of St Jean de Luz were out in numbers too, on the beach. They take strike action as seriously as 'le crise' down here. A shrug of the shoulders and faint muttering of "boff" or "mon dieu" followed by donning of sunglasses and ordering of pastis.
Basque of the day:- relax :: erlaxatu